Gymnasium Ruhla
Training school in the seminar school network

Of the

Regionalwettbewerb Jugend forscht 2025
Am 27.02.2025 war es wieder soweit. An der TU Ilmenau stellten 67 jungen Forscherinnen und Forscher in 34 Projekten ihr Können unter Beweis. Das ASG Ruhla war diesmal mit 10 Projekten beim Regionalwettbewerb vertreten. Große Freude zeigte sich bei unseren jüngsten Teilnehmern des ASG. In den Themenkomplexen Arbeitsweilt und Technik erreichten Heidi und Lukas sowie Karl, Demian und Henning einen tollen ersten Platz. Sie vertreten unsere Schule jetzt beim Landesfinale am 02.04. in Jena. Komplettiert wird das Teilnehmerfeld mit Theo Bonsack, der ebenfalls den 1. Platz erreichte. Unsere anderen Projekte wurden darüber mit zweiten und dritten Plätzen sowie Sonderpreisen gewürdigt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Wir sind stolz auf euch. Bleibt weiter so neugierig und macht aus Fragen Antworten.

Jugend forscht 2023

Jugend forscht 2022
Top results at Jugend forscht 2022. This year, too, our school was able to return home with great results in West and Southwest Thuringia. At the TU Ilmenau and the FH Schmalkalden, our teams produced the regional winners 7 times. In addition, there were 5 second places and 3 third places. A further 12 special prizes were awarded to our students. This makes us the most successful school in West Thuringia again. Big thanks go to everyone involved. In addition, Dr. Hohmann was honored by the jury for special MINT support. Congratulations 👍👍👍👍👍 Due to the online event, the real awards ceremony will soon take place in Ruhla.

Youth research 2021
With 21 prizes and regional winners, the Gymansium Ruhla was able to perform excellently at the FH Schmalkalden again this year. Congratulations !!!

Commitment appreciated
Sponsors 2020
Today our school received the school prize of 1000 euros from the Thuringia Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research. Actually, this should be presented to us at the state final "Jugend forscht" in Jena.
We were honored for our great commitment in the field of promoting mathematically, scientifically and technically interested students. We are represented regionally and throughout Thuringia with most projects. For this, a big thank you to the students, teachers, parents and all supporters in this context. Without this great team effort, it would not have been possible. In addition, a film was made about our work and the student projects.

Jugend forscht 2020
Our school did outstandingly today in the regional competition “Jugend forscht” in Schmalkalden. Overall, we provide the regional winner in seven categories. We were also able to win 5 special prizes and 8 second and third placements. The regional winners have automatically qualified for the state finals in Jena. Mr. Bösel was recognized as a committed talent promoter. Many thanks go to everyone involved. A great day for the ASG

"That has potential" 2019
The nationwide school-business network awarded this year's award winners at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin. The winners from the Wartburg region also include Deckel-Maho Seebach, Ruhlamat Marksuhl and Lindig Fördertechnik Krauthausen. The Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium in Ruhla, which has been cooperating very successfully with Häcker Automation and Deckel-Maho for a number of years and has already received an award in previous competitions, was also represented as one of the project partners by school principal Denny Jahn.

Country finals 2019
The Gymnasium Ruhla represented our region at the state finals “Jugend forscht” in Jena. A total of six ASG teams took part in the competition.
Third place in the world of work went to Levin Reum and Tom Tepper from class 8a with their innovative fire alarm system for buildings.
Jannek Hoffmann, Leon Scheller and Malte Nickel from class 7a won the special prize from the Federal Environment Ministry in the field of chemistry
In addition, the Gymnasium Ruhla received the school award of the Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research Thuringia (STIFT) in the amount of 1000.00 euros.
The special commitment to promoting mathematically, scientifically and technically interested students is honored.
The prize money will be used for project planning for 2020.

Federal finals 2019
After the two competitions in sunny temperatures of around 10 ° C, the best five times of the technical sprint were then added to the relay time of a school and an overall result was calculated. The Gymnasium Ruhla achieved 7th place overall! Oberwiesenthal's elite high school for winter sports won by a large margin ahead of the Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Kirchzarten in second place and the Annette-Kolb-Gymnasium Traunstein in third place.

Future Prize 2019
Our school won the Future Prize on February 21, 2019. 1st place out of 150 competitors. An unbelievable result for the work of the last few years. The prize was awarded at Didacta.

Jugend forscht 2019
The Gymnasium Ruhla won the regional victory for Southwest Thuringia in six categories today and thus qualified for the state finals in Jena. Great results were presented in Schmalkalden today. In addition to the first places, many second, third and special prizes could be achieved. Kudos to the students and supervisors for this outstanding result👍🥇 In addition, the ASG received a special prize of 250 euros. That naturally flows into new project ideas.
The Gymnasium Ruhla took second place in the nationwide SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT competition on December 5th, 2018
won. Together with our partner company Häcker Automation, we were able to win the prize in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy from State Secretary Dr. Take walnut

Youth research
On March 1st , 2018 the regional competition "Jugend forscht" took place in Ilmenau. The Gymnasium Ruhla today achieved a total of 11 placements among the top 3 and a special prize in the MINT plus category. Our students won the regional championship in the categories chemistry, work and technology. These three groups are therefore qualified for the state finals in Jena on April 10th and 11th, 2018. Big compliments and congratulations

Environmental school
Commitment to nature conservation: 59 schools in Thuringia are allowed to call themselves “Thuringian Sustainability School - Environmental School in Europe”
The schools were honored on Monday by Environment Minister Anja Siegesmund and Education Minister Helmut Holter in Erfurt for their commitment to sustainability and environmental and nature conservation. The initiative for social and economic projects is opened under the extended title “Thuringian Sustainability School”. The Thuringian program is thus more closely aligned with the priorities of the Thuringian sustainability policy. The Ruhla grammar school was one of four grammar schools in Thuringia that was awarded the "Gold" category. The jurors were impressed by our very good and sustainable networking with stakeholders from environmental protection and business. Mr Volkmar and two students received the award - on behalf of the entire school - in the Thuringian state parliament. Great performance from the whole school!

STEM school 2017
Today our school was awarded the MINT School 2017 in Thuringia. The award was presented by the Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research and the Ministry of Economics and Education. It is the result of many years of work in the field of "practical natural sciences", "thinkTECH", "environmental school" and our successful participation in "Jugend forscht". In addition, Mr. Bösel was recognized as a "youth sponsor" in the area of West Thuringia. For our school, the award comes with a sponsorship award of 1000 euros. This money is invested in the school and new innovative projects. The next round at "Jugend forscht" is coming up and of course it also costs money. Many thanks go to all teachers, students, partner companies and parents for the many ideas and the generous support of our work

Citizen reception
The Gymnasium Ruhla received an honor this evening at the citizens' reception of the Thuringian state parliament president in Erfurt. The award went to people and institutions who made a special contribution to the Free State and coexistence in our country in 2017. In addition to the President of the State Parliament, our Prime Minister and the President of the DFB spoke to the winners. Thanks go to everyone who made this honor possible through their commitment

New building at the ASG
Today, State Secretary Dr. Sühl was handed over by the Thuringian Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture. Deputy Mayor Udo Schilling accepted the funding decision on behalf of the district. In the next two years, our grammar school will fundamentally change structurally. The total investment is 2.5 million euros. We look forward to completely new possibilities. The details can be found in the newspaper tomorrow.

West Thuringian Initiative Prize
On November 9th, 2017 the Gymnasium Ruhla was awarded the West Thuringian Initiative Prize 2017 for our elective subject "thinkTECH". A very nice evening for our commitment over the past few years

Pierre de Coubertin Prize
On June 19th , 2018 Jacob Otto was awarded the Pierre de Coubertin Prize in Bad Blankenburg. He received this for his outstanding sporting commitment in recent years. Congratulations