Gymnasium Ruhla
Training school in the seminar school network
Information wall on educational sponsorship with Rwanda.
Our school sponsored an education during the holidays. Initiated by Pastor Reuther and accompanied by the students and teachers, a 13-year-old girl from Rwanda could be sponsored. In consultation with the supervisors on site, we have taken on an existing sponsorship and continue to do so. The annual fee for our school community is 500.00 euros.
Helping people help themselves
The sponsoring association of our high school will advance the annual amount. We as a school community will "earn" the sponsorship with various campaigns over the school year. The sponsorship amount for our sponsored child is slightly higher. She needs special medication and physiotherapy treatment. The funding amount covers school fees, school uniforms, school materials and health costs. In the school we have set up an information point in front of the secretariat. There you can get all information about our sponsorship. At the same time, the class activities for our sponsorship are displayed here.
There will be news soon