Gymnasium Ruhla
Training school in the seminar school network
The board of directors
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Wartburg savings bank
Support our educational work. Become a member of the Friends' Association or support us via .
Thank you!
To the board of directors
of the association include:
Mr. Darr
1. Deputy:
Mr. Jahn
2. Deputy:
Mrs. Werner
Mrs. Eismann
Mrs. Oßwald
Mrs. Gössel
Mrs. Ruhmann
Friends and supporters of the Gymnasium Ruhla eV
The tasks of the friends' association are to provide all-round support for school life, both materially and ideally. The school climate is not insignificantly influenced by the fulfillment of these tasks, students are encouraged to perform better and their talents and talents are promoted, which ultimately serves the reputation and good reputation of the school.
This year, too, the association supported numerous projects, excursions, school trips and cultural events.
This is what the association donated to us:
Support of the annual project days
Excursion / trips / hiking days
Teaching materials
Winter storage
Support of current school development projects
Promotion AG
Projects choir
Awards / fees / recognitions
financial support
social commitment
Technical Equipment